Voila Isalyne et son rire communicatif!
See Isalyne and her communicative laugh!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Isalyne en vrac, Isalyne in bulk
Et 2 autres rien que pour le plaisir... And two more just for pleasure...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Isalyne, 5 mois- Isalyne, 5 months
Isalyne se plait beaucoup dans son youpala. Elle y joue, saute et sait mettre la musique en route maitenant. Elle y passe la majeur partie de son temps dedans.
Isalyne likes to be in her jumper. She plays in it, jumps et knows how to turn the music on. She spends most of her day in it.

Notre jolie princesse sur son trone....(le canape) avec Sophie la girafe etonnement pas a la bouche. Our little princess on her throne...(the sofa) wit Sophie the Giraffe, surprisingly she's not biting in it.
Ca y est, comme Isalyne a 5mois, on a commence les legumes... Et elle adore les petits pois! Hier elle a mange de la patate douce, elle a bien mange, mais je crois qu'elle prefere les petits pois. Isalyne is 5months, so we start the vegetables... and she loves the peas! Yesterday she has eaten the sweet potato puree, she has eaten well but I thnk that she prefers thepeas.
Isalyne likes to be in her jumper. She plays in it, jumps et knows how to turn the music on. She spends most of her day in it.
Le pouce, biensur! The thumb, of course!
Le pouce, le pouce et toujours le pouce.... Les photos valent plus que les mots... The thumb, the thumb and always the thumb....The pcitures talk more than words.

On ne sait pas ce que Isalyne ferait de ses journees si elle n'avait pas son pouce...We don't know what Isalyne would do without her thumb....
Oh la petit futee... Oh what a sly...
Euh, il est pas mal aussi le doigt de papa aussi... Comme ca, elle a ses 2 mains de libre pour pouvoir jouer...
Not bad Daddy's finger.... Like this she has her 2 hands free to play...
On ne sait pas ce que Isalyne ferait de ses journees si elle n'avait pas son pouce...We don't know what Isalyne would do without her thumb....
Oh la petit futee... Oh what a sly...
Not bad Daddy's finger.... Like this she has her 2 hands free to play...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Isalyne et son Youpala... Isalyne and her jumper....
Avec son papa... With her daddy....
What a hapiness to have daddy at home the evenings...
Monday, June 9, 2008
Isalyne avant le bain... Isalyne before the bath...
Isalyne est un heureux bebe, surtout quand elle est dans sa chambre et qu'on s'occupe d'elle...
En passant, les videos montrent un peu la chambre d'Isalyne pour ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore vue.
Isalyne is a happy baby, specially when she is in her bedroom and when we take care of her...
By the way, the videos show a bit Isalyne's bedroom for the persons who have not seen it.
Isalyne est deja assez costaud pour tenir un peu sur ses gambettes. Isalyne is already strong enough to stand a bit on her legs.
Et une de plus... And one more...
En passant, les videos montrent un peu la chambre d'Isalyne pour ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore vue.
Isalyne is a happy baby, specially when she is in her bedroom and when we take care of her...
By the way, the videos show a bit Isalyne's bedroom for the persons who have not seen it.
Isalyne est deja assez costaud pour tenir un peu sur ses gambettes. Isalyne is already strong enough to stand a bit on her legs.
Et une de plus... And one more...
Quelques photos avant les videos... Few pictures before the videos...
Des bisous, des bisous et rien que des bisous. Kisses, kisses and only kisses
Ouh la la... Quel bonheur d'etre un bebe... On recoit plein de bisous... De Maman et de Papa... Vive les calins. Ouh la la... To be a baby is such a happiness... We kiss us all the time.Kisses from Mommy and Daddy...Hurrah for the hugs!

Euh oui, Papa et Maman ont un peu crame a la plage samedi! Yes, Mommy and Daddy are a bit red after the beach this saturday...
Euh oui, Papa et Maman ont un peu crame a la plage samedi! Yes, Mommy and Daddy are a bit red after the beach this saturday...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Isalyne, en vrac... Isalyne, in bulk
Isalyne and her ladybug... Great Ladybug, a 3 in 1 toy... book, vibrant toy and plush at the same time.
Do you recognize where she is sitting? And yes, the sofa!
You can see Isalyne, really concentrate (like apple juice to quote her daddy) when she watches TV.
Mais ou est passee Isalyne? But, where is Isalyne?
And yes, there she is, hiding among her toys! Daddy uses to put her on the playpad covered by her toys, and she loves that... But the toys fly away quickly...
Isalyne n est pas toujours souriante. Isalyne is not smiling all the time.
And yes, this is the dark side of Isalyne... Not always smiling.... She cries too... and it's more and more loud!
Isalyne et ses doigts... Isalyne and her fingers...
Isalyne est toujours fidele a son pouce... ou plutot ses pouces... enfin presque!
Isalyne is still faithful to her thumb... or I should say her thumbs... almost!

Je crois qu'elle a trouve un autre doigt... Et oui l'index devient un de ses compagnons pendant la journee, le pouce restant tout de meme LE doigt pour dormir.
I think she has found another finger... Yes, the forefinger is getting closer during the day, the thumb is still THE best to sleep.

Isalyne is still faithful to her thumb... or I should say her thumbs... almost!
Je crois qu'elle a trouve un autre doigt... Et oui l'index devient un de ses compagnons pendant la journee, le pouce restant tout de meme LE doigt pour dormir.
I think she has found another finger... Yes, the forefinger is getting closer during the day, the thumb is still THE best to sleep.
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