Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Saint Patrick's day

Ce jour-la, nous sommes alles pres de la riviere qui devenait verte pour l'occasion de la saint Patrick.That day, we went to the river that has changed its color for the saint Patrick's day: green.
Maman et Papa: un peu fatigues car Isalyne les a sorti du lit a 6h15 ce matin la.Mommy and Daddy: a bit tired because Isalyne woke them up at 6:15am that morning.
Une occasion pour aller manger dehors. Premier brunch pour Isalyne, au menu?... lait de maman. An occasion to go eating outside. First brunch for Isalyne, her choice?... mommy's milk.
Meme les voitures etaient au couleur de la Saint Patrick.Even the cars were green for the Saint Patrick's day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love to suck moms titstoo