Isalyne est une grande fille et commence donc a faire comme les "grands", c est-a-dire, boire au biberon (bien que ca ce soit dur pour maman!) et manger a la cuillere.
Isalyne is a big girl now and starts to do like the "grown up", that is to say drinking with a bottle (that is tough for mommy!) and eating with the spoon.

Le biberon... bien que ca aie ete difficile au depart.... Ben oui, mademoiselle est exigeante... il faut lui rechauffer le lait... Car le lait de maman ne se boit qu 37degres... C'est papa qui se charge de lui donner le biberon... Ils ont bien le droit a leurs moments aussi, non?
The bottle... Though it was difficult at the beginning... Yes, miss is picky... we must heat the milk... because mommy's milk must be drunk only at 98,6 degres.... The bottle is daddy's job. They can have their own moments too, no?

La cuillere.... C'etait marrant... et bien plus facile que ce que je pensais.... Promis, vous verrez le film de Isalyne et son premier repas a la cuillere...Bientot.
The spoon... Yes, it was funny... it was easier than I had thought.... Promise you will see the video of her first time when she ate with a spoon. Coming soon.
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