Desolee, desolee... Ca fait un bon moment que je n'ai pas mis de photos... Euh, jai des excuses... On a ete en vacances... Et il fallait que je prenne mon courage a 2 mains pour selectionner quelques photos de notre princesse en vacances parmi les presque 800 photos de prise en 6jours!!!
Sorry, sorry... It's been a while I did not add any pictures... Well I have few reasons... The most important is we went in vacation... And I needed to find the courage to select few pix of our princess in Mexico among almost 800 pictures taken there in 6 days!!!

Maintenant qu'elle marche, c'est la liberte pour elle! Mais elle n'ecoute pas et on doit souvent courir derriere!
Now she's walking, it's the freedom for her! But she does not listen to our advices and we often need to run bbehind her!

On a ete voir les pyramides azteques qui se trouvent a environ 50km de la capitale... C'est vraiment magnifique! Au milieu des montagnes, vegetation deseritque... Difficile d'imaginer aussi comment ils ont construit ces pyramides a mains nues!
We went to the azteque pyramides located at about 30miles from Mexico city... It's really beautiful! IN the middle of the mountains, desertic vegetations.... It's difficult to imagine how they built those pyramides!

Je vous laisse apprecier les photos... I just let you enjoying the pix...

Ben oui! Les balades ca fatigue... Elle s'est endormie dans les bras de maman. Yes! Strolling around is tiresome.... She fell asleep in mommy's arms.

Elle adore etre au telephone... She likes to be on the phone....

Bien qu'on est perdu ses lunettes de soleil....Elle les a balance par terre et on ne s'en est as rendu compte! Elle a trouve un paire de rechange! Pour info, elle porte un robe mexicaine faite main qu on lui avait achete quand on etai tne croisiere en Decembre.
Although we lost her sunglasses... She threw them on the ground and we did not notice it! Se found another sunglasses! For information, she's wearing on this picture a hand made mexican dress thaht we bought when we were on cruise in december.