Ce 16 janvier 2008 restera grave dans nos memoires.
Myriam et moi-meme sommes enchantes d'annoncer la naissance de notre fille Isalyne.
Nee a Chicago, North Western Hospital, a 13h51, elle se porte a merveille avec un poids de 3,760 Kg et une taille de 53 cm.
Bienvenue dans ce monde petite Isalyne, tu rends tes parents fous de bonheur et tellement fiers de fonder une famille.
This January 16Th 2008 will be carved forever in our mind.
Myriam and myself are proud to announce the birth of our daughter Isalyne.
Born in Chicago, North Western Hospital, at 1:51pm, she is in good health, weights 8 lbs and 5 oz and measures 21 inches.
We wish a warm welcome to Isalyne, you drive your parents crazy about and so proud to found a family.
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