Oui, je sais... un peu plus de 2 semaines sans nouvelles photos.... Mais j'ai une excuse!!!! (comme d'habitude, vous diriez) Depuis mardi, Isalyne va a la creche, toute la journee... Ah quel changement! Et qu'est-ce qu'elle fait maman pendant ses journees... Vous vous demandez? Et ben elle ne chome pas... Elle etudie... beaucoup... pour passer son examen afin de devenir infirmiere, ici, aux US. Je suis excusee maintenant?
Yes, I know... a bit more than 2 weeks without a new post... But I have an apology!!! (as usual, you should say). Well, since tuesday, Isalyne goes to the daycare, all day long... What a huge change! And what is Mommy doing during that time??? Well, she studies... a lot... to pass the NCLEX-RN as soon as possible to finally be a nurse here. Am I excused now?
Yes, I know... a bit more than 2 weeks without a new post... But I have an apology!!! (as usual, you should say). Well, since tuesday, Isalyne goes to the daycare, all day long... What a huge change! And what is Mommy doing during that time??? Well, she studies... a lot... to pass the NCLEX-RN as soon as possible to finally be a nurse here. Am I excused now?
Voila ma grande fille... qui va donc a la creche maintenant... 3 eme jour deja... Elle n'a pas pleure du tout pour y aller... C'est meme limite si elle ne me dit pas au revoir pour aller jouer avec ses copains et copines le plus rapidement possible. Un enorme changement pour nos petites habitudes a moi et Isalyne... On n'est plus 24h/24 ensemble!
This my big girl... who goes at the daycare... 3rd day already... She did not cry at all. It was almost like she did n ot want to tell me goodbye to go playing much more faster. A big step for us... Isalyne and I are not 24/7 together!
This my big girl... who goes at the daycare... 3rd day already... She did not cry at all. It was almost like she did n ot want to tell me goodbye to go playing much more faster. A big step for us... Isalyne and I are not 24/7 together!
Seb et moi nous trouvons que pepette a grandit et grossit ses derniers temps. C'est fini... Isalyne n 'est plus un bebe, mais bien une petite fille.
Seb and I thinks that our little princess grew up and gained some weight recently. That's it... Isalyne is not a baby anymore, but a little girl.
Seb and I thinks that our little princess grew up and gained some weight recently. That's it... Isalyne is not a baby anymore, but a little girl.
On a finalement decide d'acheter un barriere pour les escaliers... C'etait devenu trop dangereux avec notre exploratrice qui voulait escalader le mont Everest...
We finally bought a gate for the stairs... It was getting to dangerous with our explorer who wanted to climb the mount Everest...
We finally bought a gate for the stairs... It was getting to dangerous with our explorer who wanted to climb the mount Everest...
Ah oui, j'allais oublie. Elle commence a savoir ouvrir les portes... ca y est, elle atteind les poignees.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. She can reach the door handles now, so she start to open the doors now.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. She can reach the door handles now, so she start to open the doors now.
Ah bah oui... mais bien sur.... les betises!!!! Euh elle aime mon placard qui tourne! Elle prend la boite de cereales, l'ouvre, la renverse... elle s'assoie pour en manger quelques uns puis finalement decide de se lever pour marcher dessus.... C'est tellement amusant!
Oh yes, of course... how to forget the sillinesses!!!! She likes my lazy-susan! She takes the box of Cheerios, opens it, puts it upside down to have a tremendous amount of cereals on the floor. Then she sits, eats some and finally decide to get up and walk on them! It is so much fun!
Oh yes, of course... how to forget the sillinesses!!!! She likes my lazy-susan! She takes the box of Cheerios, opens it, puts it upside down to have a tremendous amount of cereals on the floor. Then she sits, eats some and finally decide to get up and walk on them! It is so much fun!
Ou alors elle deicde de vider ce fameux placard.... J arrive meme a retrouver mon vinaigre ou les conserves dans son coffre a jouets!
Or she decides to empty the famous lazy-susan.... it happens me to find my vinegar or some cans in her toybox!
Or she decides to empty the famous lazy-susan.... it happens me to find my vinegar or some cans in her toybox!