Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Isalyne does not walk yet... just a lack of self confidence... BEcause she's doing great when she tries!
Isalyne and her Dora's car... She goes all around the house with it... She pushes it in a peculiar way... Just watch the video, you'll see!
Euh... More foolish things of course...the toilet paper! It's so funny to make confettis with it!
With her hair like this, she looks like a little clown! And she is one! Isalyne dances more and more often... and sing at the same time... Yes... She's ready for the next season of American Idol!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
More pictures. Plus de photos
On lui pardonnerai toutes les betises du monde quand elle nous regarde comme ca!
We could forgive her all the foolish things of the world when she looks at us like this.
We could forgive her all the foolish things of the world when she looks at us like this.
Elle adore un des canards qu'elle a dans son bain. Elle l'a pris pour continuer de jouer avec.
She likes one of her ducks she has in the bath... She ttok it out of the bath to keep playing with it!
She likes one of her ducks she has in the bath... She ttok it out of the bath to keep playing with it!
Isalyne commence a perdre son visage de bebe et faire de plus en plus petite fille!
Isalyne is losing her baby's face et starts to look like a little girl!
Isalyne is losing her baby's face et starts to look like a little girl!
Isalyne 13 mois. Isalyne 13 months
Isalyne et ses dents! Isalyne and her teeth
On peut voir 4 de ses 6 dents... Celles du cote en haut ne sont pas assez grande pour bien les voir pour le moment.
We can see 4 of her 6 teeth... The ones of the side on the top are not big enough to be seen for the moment.
We can see 4 of her 6 teeth... The ones of the side on the top are not big enough to be seen for the moment.
Isalyne la reine des betises. ISalyne queen of the foolish things.
Isalyne joue devant l'etagere... Regardez bien, les livres sont bien ranges!
Isalyne is playing in front of the shelves. Look carefully, the books are well in order!
Isalyne is playing in front of the shelves. Look carefully, the books are well in order!
Tadaaaa... voila le travail... ca ne devait pas convenir a la demoiselle!
Taddaaaa... See the results... it would not be at Isalyne's convenience!
Taddaaaa... See the results... it would not be at Isalyne's convenience!
Sa tete d'innocente... C'est moi qui est fait ca? Non, non, ils sont tombes tout seuls!
Her innocent head... Did I do this? No No, they fell down by themselves!
Her innocent head... Did I do this? No No, they fell down by themselves!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A little stroll for Isalyne. Une petite promenade pour Isalyne
En attendant qu'elle se decide a marcher seule, elle peut se promener quand meme. We wait for her to walk by herself, for for the moment she can take a stroll.
Isalyne a la pointe de la technologie. Isalyne and the technology
What a rascal! She borrowed her friend's pacifier!
I think that we will go soon to the haircutter... to cut the end of her hair!
Isalyne has 6 teeth.... She sleeps much better the night (yeah!!! I can finally sleep!)
Isalyne et ses couettes- Isalyne and her pigtails
Maman a decide de retenter d'attacher les cheveux d'Isalyne... Ses cheveux sont assez long maintenant pour lui faire des couettes! J'avais parie qu'elle les garderait une demi heure pas plus, rate, ca a dure quelques heures!
Mommy decided to do isalyne's hair another time... Her hair are long enough to do some pig tails! I thought they would stay half hour, but no... it lasted for few hours.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Quelques photos de plus.Few more pics.
On ne lui met plus rien dans les cheveux... Rien ne reste, elle enleve tout! We don't do her hair anymore... nothing stay, she takes everything off!
Isalyne passait son temps a mettre les mains sur la tele ou a ouvrir le meuble tele, alors, la solution a ete de mettre les repose pieds devant... C est pas tres esthetique, mais elle ne peut plsu y acceder au moins.Isalyne spent her time with her hand on the tv screen or to open the TV stand. The solutiion, the footstools in frontof them... And that's it.
Si je veux reussir a prendre des photos d'elle il faut que je lui donne le cordon de l'appareil photo.If i want to take some pics, I need to give her the camera's handle.
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